Headaches in Children

Because headaches are very common in children, parents need to know the possible triggers for headaches and what they can do to prevent them.

Some headaches are primary such as migraines and tension-type headaches. When headaches are due to other causes, such as infections, these are called secondary headaches.

It is important to know what could trigger headaches in children. The most common triggers are:

Therefore, lifestyle changes can help reduce headaches. Parents should ensure that their kids get a good amount of sleep, regular exercise, good hydration, and limit screen time to 2 hours a day. A headache diary which documents possible triggers, time of day, headache intensity and response to treatment, will also help the clinician decide on a treatment strategy.

For kids with headaches, parents and pediatricians should have a rescue plan in place. For example, taking Tylenol (acetaminophen) or Motrin (ibuprofen) as soon as the headache starts is better than waiting, because the longer you wait, then it is harder to treat.

Children with frequent headaches or severe headaches can benefit from a preventive plan, which could include medications and/or cognitive behavioral therapy.

When the headaches are severe or the cause is not known, then the child's health care provider might make a referral to a neurologist. 

Christopher Climaco, M.D. Pediatrician and Pediatric Cardiologist practicing in Cookeville, Tennessee, USA

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